Film in Mississauga
Mississauga is home to a number of award-winning film studios, and is quickly becoming known as “Studio City North”
Film in Mississauga
Mississauga is building a reputation within the film industry and can be seen in some of the biggest blockbuster films, award-winning television series and a growing number of Netflix productions.
With its unique backdrops, quaint villages, lakefront parks and heritage buildings, Mississauga boasts hundreds of unique filming locations. It has become a popular destination for numerous feature films and home to many popular television series.
From action adventures to comedic films, Mississauga’s beautiful neighbourhoods and downtown core provide an incredible setting for Ontario’s vibrant film and television industry to thrive!
Mississauga is a city in demand, and we are quickly becoming known as Studio City North...our City’s filming activity is at an all-time high.
Bonnie Crombie, Mayor of Mississauga
For more information about filming in Mississauga, or film related questions, please contact the Film Office.
201 City Centre Drive, Suite 202
Mississauga, ON L5B 2T4
905-615-3200 ext.4114